Chair – Paula Austin
We have partnered with World Vision for many years. World Vision is a Christian based humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children and families, to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice in their communities worldwide. SIS supports three girls currently in Peru, Mauritania and Uganda, by providing monthly income for a safe home and educational opportunities. We also send gifts for special occasions.
We partnered with Shared Hope to build a home in Negril, Jamaica for women who are victims of human trafficking. The home provides the opportunity to learn a trade in order to become independent and self-supporting. We also supported a Shared Hope visit of four young adults from Nepal who were children of human trafficking victims, in order to tell their story and raise awareness of human trafficking. We were one of five locations in the US. that they visited. We continue to support Shared Hope in their human trafficking awareness.
We also have supported projects for women through Heifer International. Their mission is to work to end hunger and poverty in partnership with the communities they serve. It begins with a seed investment of livestock or agriculture, such as providing farm animals and farm products. This is followed by mentoring to help the participants to build a business and ultimately gain access to supply chains and markets.