Live Your Dream Awards
Diana Swiecki – Contact
Since 1972, the Soroptimist International of the Americas’ Live Your Dream Awards program has disbursed more than $30M to tens of thousands of women who have overcome poverty, domestic and sexual violence, divorce, the death of a spouse, or other life challenges to pursue their dreams. They are women – just like you – who have had the courage and determination to turn their lives around. This year alone $2.9 million in awards were distributed to 2000 women.
Over half of our Live Your Dream Awards recipients are survivors of domestic violence, trafficking or sexual assault. Nearly all of the women and families we serve have overcome enormous obstacles including poverty, teen pregnancy, and drug or alcohol addiction. Live Your Dream Awards recipients may use the cash award to offset any costs associated with their efforts to attain higher education, such as books, childcare, tuition and transportation.
We provide funds toward these women’s education.
Education is the pathway to economically empowering women and girls.

Award Recipients 2024

Martha Brewer

Abigail Colby

Ashley Harrison
New applicants, apply starting August 15, 2024 – November 15, 2024 for 2025